
Australia Refugee and humanitarian visas

Subclass 202

Global Special Humanitarian visa

With this visa, you can move to Australia if you face substantial discrimination or human rights abuses, and have a proposer. It lets you stay in Australia permanently with your immediate family.

Subclass 866

Protection visa

This visa is for people who arrived in Australia on a valid visa and want to seek asylum. It lets you stay in Australia permanently if you engage Australia’s protection obligations and meet all other requirements for the grant of the visa.

Subclass 200, 201, 203 and 204

Refugee category visas

With these visas, you can move to Australia if you are subject to persecution in your home country. These visas allow you and your family to live, work, and study indefinitely in Australia.

Subclass 785

Temporary Protection visa

This visa is for people who arrived in Australia without a visa and want to seek asylum. It lets you stay in Australia temporarily if you engage Australia's protection obligations and meet all other requirements for the grant of the visa.

Subclass 790

Safe Haven Enterprise visa

This visa is for people who arrived in Australia without a visa and want to seek asylum. It lets you stay in Australia temporarily if you engage Australia's protection obligations and meet all other requirements for the grant of the visa.

Subclass 851

Resolution of Status visa

This visa allows for the permanent resolution of status for certain visa holders, including TPV and SHEV holders who arrived in Australia before 14 February 2023.